Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 是我们Web站点中常见的安全隐患。 下面我们在Asp.net MVC3 来演示一下。 例如我们有一个HomeContoller中一个Submit Action,我们标记了Http Post
public ActionResult Submit(FormCollection fc)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["Title"]))
ViewBag.Message = "Submit success!";
return View("Index");
return View("Error");
在View 使用Razor 简单提交是这样:
@using (Html.BeginForm("Submit", "Home"))
点击这个Button我们就提交表单了,接下来我们轻易使用Fiddler来伪造这个Http Post请求:
然后提交,成功了,返回 OK.
User-Agent: Fiddler Host: localhost:55181 Content-Length: 10Title=text
那在Asp.net MVC 3 Web Application中如何防止呢?在View中使用@Html.AntiForgeryToken()
这时当Web应用程序运行时,查看生成HTML,你会看到form标签后有一个hidden input标签
3I7MD6/cIc5aersJBMZ/p6gv76gc6nvKJDt2w0eMy3tkEfAcnNPTdeWr59Ns+48gsGpZ2GSh6G+Uh7rb" />
public HtmlString GetHtml(HttpContextBase httpContext, string salt, string domain, string path)
Debug.Assert(httpContext != null);
string formValue = GetAntiForgeryTokenAndSetCookie(httpContext, salt, domain, path);
string fieldName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(null);
TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("input");
builder.Attributes["type"] = "hidden";
builder.Attributes["name"] = fieldName;
builder.Attributes["value"] = formValue;
return new HtmlString(builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing));
/8P43LJ4tkGgv6BbrGWmKFo= 更多细节,请查询源代码。然后在Action上增加 [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] 就可以了,它是这样工作的:
1: public void Validate(HttpContextBase context, string salt) {
2: Debug.Assert(context != null);
4: string fieldName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(null);
5: string cookieName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(context.Request.ApplicationPath);
7: HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];
8: if (cookie == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value)) {
9: // error: cookie token is missing
10: throw CreateValidationException();
11: }
12: AntiForgeryData cookieToken = Serializer.Deserialize(cookie.Value);
14: string formValue = context.Request.Form[fieldName];
15: if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) {
16: // error: form token is missing
17: throw CreateValidationException();
18: }
19: AntiForgeryData formToken = Serializer.Deserialize(formValue);
21: if (!String.Equals(cookieToken.Value, formToken.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
22: // error: form token does not match cookie token
23: throw CreateValidationException();
24: }
26: string currentUsername = AntiForgeryData.GetUsername(context.User);
27: if (!String.Equals(formToken.Username, currentUsername, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
28: // error: form token is not valid for this user
29: // (don't care about cookie token)
30: throw CreateValidationException();
31: }
33: if (!String.Equals(salt ?? String.Empty, formToken.Salt, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
34: // error: custom validation failed
35: throw CreateValidationException();
36: }
37: }
//verify session
if (!String.Equals(formToken.SessionId, AntiForgeryData.GetGUIDString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw CreateValidationException();
1: internal class AntiForgeryDataSerializer
2: {
3: [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2202:Do not dispose objects multiple times", Justification = "MemoryStream is resilient to double-Dispose")]
4: public virtual AntiForgeryData Deserialize(string serializedToken)
5: {
6: if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedToken))
7: {
8: throw new ArgumentException("Argument_Cannot_Be_Null_Or_Empty", "serializedToken");
9: }
11: try
12: {
13: using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Decoder(serializedToken)))
14: using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
15: {
16: return new AntiForgeryData
17: {
18: Salt = reader.ReadString(),
19: Value = reader.ReadString(),
20: CreationDate = new DateTime(reader.ReadInt64()),
21: Username = reader.ReadString(),
22: SessionId=reader.ReadString()
23: };
24: }
25: }
26: catch (Exception ex)
27: {
28: throw new System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException("AntiForgeryToken_ValidationFailed", ex);
29: }
30: }
32: [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2202:Do not dispose objects multiple times", Justification = "MemoryStream is resilient to double-Dispose")]
33: public virtual string Serialize(AntiForgeryData token)
34: {
35: if (token == null)
36: {
37: throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
38: }
40: using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
41: using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
42: {
43: writer.Write(token.Salt);
44: writer.Write(token.Value);
45: writer.Write(token.CreationDate.Ticks);
46: writer.Write(token.Username);
47: writer.Write(token.SessionId);
49: return Encoder(stream.ToArray());
50: }
51: }
52: }
@using (Html.BeginForm("Submit2", "Home"))
[ValidateAntiForgeryToken(Salt = Config.SALT)]
public ActionResult Submit2(FormCollection fc)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["Title"]))
ViewBag.Message = "Submit success!";
return View("Index");
return View("Error");
配置类: public class Config
public const string SALT = "Why you are here";
public class MySessionModule:IHttpModule
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose(){}
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.AcquireRequestState += new EventHandler(this.AcquireRequestState);
protected void AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication httpApp = (HttpApplication)sender;
if (httpApp.Context.CurrentHandler is IRequiresSessionState)
if (httpApp.Session.IsNewSession)
httpApp.Session["GUID"] = Guid.NewGuid();
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: AntiForgeryToken_ValidationFailed 最后让我们来看单元测试的代码:1: namespace DebugMvc.Ut
2: {
3: using System;
4: using System.Collections.Generic;
5: using System.Linq;
6: using System.Web;
7: using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
8: using DebugMvc.Controllers;
9: using System.Web.Mvc;
10: using Moq;
11: using System.Collections.Specialized;
12: using Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match;
13: using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
14: using System.Globalization;
16: [TestClass]
17: public class UnitTestForAll
18: {
19: private static string _antiForgeryTokenCookieName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName("/SomeAppPath");
20: private const string _serializedValuePrefix = @"
21: private const string _someValueSuffix = @", Value: some value, Salt: some other salt, Username: username"" />";
22: private readonly Regex _randomFormValueSuffixRegex = new Regex(@", Value: (?[A-Za-z0-9/\+=]{24}), Salt: some other salt, Username: username"" />$");
23: private readonly Regex _randomCookieValueSuffixRegex = new Regex(@", Value: (?[A-Za-z0-9/\+=]{24}), Salt: ");
25: [TestMethod]
26: public void TestValidateAntiForgeryToken2Attribute()
27: {
28: //arrange
29: var mockHttpContext = new Mock();
31: var context = mockHttpContext.Object;
32: var authorizationContextMock = new Mock();
33: authorizationContextMock.SetupGet(ac => ac.HttpContext).Returns(context);
35: bool validateCalled = false;
36: ActionvalidateMethod = (c, s) =>
37: {
38: Assert.AreSame(context, c);
39: Assert.AreEqual("some salt", s);
40: validateCalled = true;
41: };
42: var attribute = new ValidateAntiForgeryToken2Attribute(validateMethod)
43: {
44: Salt = "some salt"
45: };
47: // Act
48: attribute.OnAuthorization(authorizationContextMock.Object);
50: // Assert
51: Assert.IsTrue(validateCalled);
52: }
54: [TestMethod]
55: public void GetHtml_ReturnsFormFieldAndSetsCookieValueIfDoesNotExist()
56: {
57: // Arrange
58: AntiForgeryWorker worker = new AntiForgeryWorker()
59: {
60: Serializer = new DummyAntiForgeryTokenSerializer()
61: };
62: var context = CreateContext();
64: // Act
65: string formValue = worker.GetHtml(context, "some other salt", null, null).ToHtmlString();
67: // Assert
68: Assert.IsTrue(formValue.StartsWith(_serializedValuePrefix), "Form value prefix did not match.");
70: Match formMatch = _randomFormValueSuffixRegex.Match(formValue);
71: string formTokenValue = formMatch.Groups["value"].Value;
73: HttpCookie cookie = context.Response.Cookies[_antiForgeryTokenCookieName];
74: Assert.IsNotNull(cookie, "Cookie was not set correctly.");
75: Assert.IsTrue(cookie.HttpOnly, "Cookie should have HTTP-only flag set.");
76: Assert.IsTrue(String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Domain), "Domain should not have been set.");
77: Assert.AreEqual("/", cookie.Path, "Path should have remained at '/' by default.");
79: Match cookieMatch = _randomCookieValueSuffixRegex.Match(cookie.Value);
80: string cookieTokenValue = cookieMatch.Groups["value"].Value;
82: Assert.AreEqual(formTokenValue, cookieTokenValue, "Form and cookie token values did not match.");
83: }
85: private static HttpContextBase CreateContext(string cookieValue = null, string formValue = null, string username = "username")
86: {
87: HttpCookieCollection requestCookies = new HttpCookieCollection();
88: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieValue))
89: {
90: requestCookies.Set(new HttpCookie(_antiForgeryTokenCookieName, cookieValue));
91: }
92: NameValueCollection formCollection = new NameValueCollection();
93: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue))
94: {
95: formCollection.Set(AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(null), formValue);
96: }
98: MockmockContext = new Mock ();
99: mockContext.Setup(c => c.Request.ApplicationPath).Returns("/SomeAppPath");
100: mockContext.Setup(c => c.Request.Cookies).Returns(requestCookies);
101: mockContext.Setup(c => c.Request.Form).Returns(formCollection);
102: mockContext.Setup(c => c.Response.Cookies).Returns(new HttpCookieCollection());
103: mockContext.Setup(c => c.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
104: mockContext.Setup(c => c.User.Identity.Name).Returns(username);
106: var sessionmock = new Mock();
107: sessionmock.Setup(s => s["GUID"]).Returns(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
109: mockContext.Setup(c => c.Session).Returns(sessionmock.Object);
111: return mockContext.Object;
112: }
113: }
115: internal class DummyAntiForgeryTokenSerializer : AntiForgeryDataSerializer
116: {
117: public override string Serialize(AntiForgeryData token)
118: {
119: return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Creation: {0}, Value: {1}, Salt: {2}, Username: {3}",
120: token.CreationDate, token.Value, token.Salt, token.Username);
121: }
122: public override AntiForgeryData Deserialize(string serializedToken)
123: {
124: if (serializedToken == "invalid")
125: {
126: throw new HttpAntiForgeryException();
127: }
128: string[] parts = serializedToken.Split(':');
129: return new AntiForgeryData()
130: {
131: CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(parts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
132: Value = parts[1],
133: Salt = parts[2],
134: Username = parts[3]
135: };
136: }
137: }
138: }
这里只是UnitTest的一部分,使用Moq来实现Mock HttpContext,从而实现对HttpContext的单元测试。
小结: Web站点的安全问题,不可轻视。特别现在Ajax大量应用,做好安全检测很重要。希望对您Web开发有帮助。